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Wood-burning stoves: What do the new rules mean for your fireplace?

November 1, 2021
More than one million British families warm their homes with a wood burning stove during the winter months. But will environmental concerns lead to the government banning them? If you're thinking of investing in a stove of your own, then you'll want to be aware of changes coming in 2022
Wood burning stoves have risen dramatically in popularity over recent years, providing an additional form of heating for many, and for some, the sole source of heat.

That’s because wood burning stoves are cosy, efficient (often three times more so than an open fire) and burning wood can be relatively carbon neutral and sustainable compared to fossil fuels like natural gas, propane, and coal.

What’s not to like about wood burning stoves?

While emissions from domestic burning have reduced significantly since the 1950’s, cities are still the worst affected areas.

Wood – and coal – burning stoves currently account for 38 per cent of particulate matter air pollution, which the Government plans to reduce 30 per cent in total by 2030.

A recent surge in popularity means domestic burning on stoves and open fires is now the single biggest source of particulate matter emissions, which is considered the most damaging pollutant.

More needs to be done to reduce pollution and ensure the air we all breathe is cleaner.

Will wood burning stoves be banned?

No, there are no plans to ban wood burning stoves. However the Government have developed a Clean Air Strategy which is scheduled to come into force in 2022. This will outlaw the sale of the most polluting fuels and ensure only the cleanest stoves are sold from 2022.

This means if you own a stove, or are thinking or purchasing one, you will need to ensure your stove is compliant. From 1st January 2022 all wood burning and multi-fuel stoves and fireplaces that are manufactured will have to adhere to strict new guidelines known as Ecodesign. These stoves will now carry an SIA (Stove Industry Alliance) approved Ecodesign Ready Stove quality assurance. ClearSkies is the highest kitemark you can have in the stove industry and you can find more details here on the legislation.

The wrong kind of wood

But owners of wood burning stoves must be aware that reductions in particulate emissions goes beyond just buying an Ecodesign Ready stove.

It also means burning the right type of wood.

Only certain types of wood are suitable for burning and the wood must be dry. This means it should have a moisture content of less than 20%. It’s very difficult to tell how dry a piece of wood is, so you could either invest in a moisture meter or ensure your wood is ready to burn by purchasing it from a bona fide supplier.

Top tips for buying a new wood burning stove

If you’re considering investing in a new woodburning stove in your home, these top tips should help:

Firstly check if you are in a smoke control area. If you are in a smoke control area you will need to look for a clearSkies Level 3 or above appliance as these have been verified as Defra Exempt as well as meeting the requirements for Ecodesign

Internet offers on woodburning stoves may look very tempting but be aware that although many of these are competitively priced they may not have been future proofed for the Clean Air Act in 2022. Make sure any Stove you buy holds the SIA approved logo to ensure your stove is compliant.

Always employ a qualified installer to fit your stove, who will ensure your stove works efficiently, with minimal emissions.

Ensure your chimney is swept regularly. The more you use your stove the more frequently you will need to sweep.

Always purchase your wood from a reliable source. Woodsure’s ready to burn website lists hundreds of accredited suppliers across the country at

If using your own wood, make sure you store it in a sheltered store until it is dried to a maximum of 20% moisture content. A moisture meter is a great way to check your wood is dry enough.

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